That individual freedom is more important because you get it from the accessing basic sanitation because its a matter of your dignity," she says. We want to give them the freedom to afford treatment, and freedom from feeling guilty," he adds. Authorities are now forcing adivasis out of the national park. "This was started in the rural outreach centre in Ratnagiri district where most of the patients were in the advanced stages and didnt have funds for expensive treatments. We have seen a tremendous change," she adds. Once we found the technique to be effective, we introduced it here. "If one is free, then they should be having access to clean drinking water, electricity, and no threat of displacement. "With freedom comes social responsibility towards your country. He devised an alternative treatment called metronomic therapy, which reduces the financial burden on patients and also promises to improve the survival rate. What they call as gutter is actually a river," he says adding that the true meaning of freedom is access to basic facilities. "Initially, it was just me but with the help of social media, people from the area and different colleges, schools and NGOs started joining me and now it is a big group.While the essence of freedom is different for every individual, no one understands its importance better than those involved in working towards social upliftment.. Out of the daily mundane life, you have to give something to your surroundings. "When you dont have access to a toilet, pads or any other basic amenities, it restricts you from achieving your dreams.

His keen interest in the tribal and minority communities of Mumbai has also been showcased in the exhibitions that highlight their issues. Lakhs of people live in Dadar and Mahim, if each one of them comes together to remove one plastic, the beaches would be cleaner," he says. Almost 60% of the existing plastic on the beach is gone, and whatever gets washed up, we remove every week," says the founder of Jay Foundation. The idea is to spread awareness.Making cancer treatment affordableDr. And I had no idea, and so he replied saying that It means to have a freedom. This has helped us bring gutter guards down the cost of a particular medicine from Rs 2-3 lakhs per month to only Rs 20," he explains. I felt there was a need to tell the story of the river and the people who are living around it. Currently working on the issues faced by Adivasi communities in SGNP, Aslam explains how a trip to Dahisar village inspired his photography project. When you are doing that, you are killing their culture, you are taking away their freedom. "The river is so polluted that there are almost no fishes.Access to basic sanitationSuhani Jalotas Myna Mahila Foundation employs women from slums to manufacture and sell affordable sanitary pads back into their communities thereby improving menstrual hygiene and providing stable employment.


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